Tourism New Zealand | Free Travel Brochures View Basket

New Zealand – Driving the South Island
New Zealand Tourism's special guide to unforgettable South Island driving holidays takes you on six magical journeys encompassing breathtaking scenery, thrilling adventures and world class food and wine. Fly into one of three South Island destinations and then take one of the amazing drives detailed in this self-drive guide. It’s all just around the corner on a South Island road trip. These are just some of the amazing journeys you can take. Use this guide for inspiration and create your own road trip adventure today.
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New Zealand Touring Map
Plan your North or South Island holiday with the help of New Zealand Tourism's detailed map showing transport options, historic and sightseeing places of interest, themed highways and scenic routes. New Zealand's themed highways will lead you through some of the most famous landscapes, with great attractions along the way. New Zealand is a favourite self-drive destination, thanks to the compactness of the country and excellent touring routes that offer awe-inspiring scenice highlights, attractions and must-do activities along the way.
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